RoboFlow is a semi-automated TensorFlow image classification explorer in a python command line app.


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(please read the general help first, or at the command-line

python --help


note: important and defined words are CAPITALIZED






because you can use roboflow for many/separate classifiers, you need to pick a term for the broad master classification or theme of each classifier (such as ‘robots’, or ‘birds’, or whatever) so that images, classifier models and more can be stored separately under that BASETAG directory.


downloaded images, stored in ‘unsorted_{searchtag}’ dirs, are moved into ‘sorted_{timestamp}’ dirs by running a classifier, which is in turn created by retraining. a classifier is used repeatedly and on many different searchtags, while a retraining creates one classifier per retraining. after classifying many images, you should manually do a QUALITY CONTROL CHECK and then HARVEST them, before RETRAINING.


set in the config file, this variable determines how images are labeled and sorted. as you know, tensorflow assigns a numeric likelihood that an image belongs to a certain LABEL. images below CONFIDENCEMIN are sorted into subdirs which are ignored during harvesting, and so removed from retraining. if this number is too low, poor examples will pollute your training data, and make for a weak classifier; too high and good examples get missed. SEE ALSO: ‘QUALITY CONTROL’


The config file ‘’ sets up global variables, names, paths, etc used in different roboflow scripts. It is imported to the other files as ‘cfg’ so variables that begin ‘cfg.somevarname’ are set here. worth exploring!


roboflow dir and scripts are intended to live at the same level as “tf_files” and “scripts” in the tensorflow-for-poets-2 structure as setup by however, you can monkey that around in the config file. BASETAG directories will be created under all three core TF subdirs of testing_photos, training_photos, training_summaries, – and in those will be created sorted_, unsorted_, harvested_* and other .txt logfiles.

HARVESTING (optional)

this is the moving of classified and sorted images from testing_photos to training_photos before retraining. This is the physical step that accomplishes the goal of downloading and classifying all those images – to get high-confidence images into training data to improve the next classifier’s accuracy. NOT used with every retraining. SEE ALSO: CONFIDENCEMIN and QUALITY CONTROL


the sub-classes of images you enter during guided setup of creating a new BASETAG. continuing the “robot” BASETAG example, these might be: ‘drawn’, ‘built’, ‘mechs’ and ‘not’.

sub-classes are used to auto-generate directories in the training_photos directory and ‘sorted_{timestamp}’ directories when classifying/sorting images. it is a VERY GOOD idea to have a general ‘other’ or ‘not’ category because searchtag images can be wildly not on theme to the related BASETAG. that is, lots of images tagged ‘robot’ are not even close to any meaningful ‘robot’ sub-class.


this program creates several files along the way to track various aspects of the process, and stores them as .txt files, often with a ‘{timestamp}.txt’ ending. Tracked information includes original names and urls of files, names and params of classifying model, which ‘sorted{timestamp}’ dirs were harvested and how the images were moved, etc etc.


the tag, related to the BASETAG, which will serve as the search term for images to be downloaded, sorted and classified. examples: ‘robotart’ or ‘owl’, per the previous BASETAG examples.


along with adjusting ‘CONFIDENCEMIN’, periodic and manual human-sorting of robo-sorted images is critical. that is, you need to go into the ‘sorted_{timestamp}’ dirs, spot-check and move images among the labeled dirs as you, human, think best – and BEFORE a harvest. Poorly labeled images getting back into training data makes for weak classifiers.


downloaded images are initially stored in testing_photos/{basetag}/unsorted_{searchtag} directory. When a classifier is run, they are copied (not moved) into a labeled-dir under testing_photos/{basetag}/sorted_{timestamp}/ according to the CONFIDENCEMIN var. for example, if your CONFIDENCEMIN is 92.5, and your labels are ‘built’, ‘drawn’, ‘not’, then you will have the labeled-dirs: built, built_under925, drawn, drawn_under925, not, not_under925. when HARVESTING occurs, images in the ‘_under’ dirs will be ignored.


This whole roboflow endeavor assumes you have at least passing familiarity with TensorFlow and image classification. If not, go read:



(note: all these descriptions use default names of directories as set in config file).


  1. create or choose an existing BASETAG
  2. choose number of images to download and
  3. enter the searchtag of those images.


  1. if you have any classification models, you will be guided to choose one (or you can skip classifying and just download the images)


  1. if you have enough images in training_photos/BASETAG/labeled-subdirs you will be prompted to retrain or not. if yes, you will be guided through the retraining parameters, or you can always just hit [enter] to accept the defaults as set in the config file (although too much of that defeats the goal of comparing/learning how hyperparameters affect classification accuracy!)


enter parameters at the command line. as noted in the regular help:

python [basetag] [imagequantity] [searchtag] [flowsteps]

note: the flowsteps parameter is optional, and defaults to classify if blank, meaning roboflow will download [imagequantity] of [searchtags] and then classify them.

options for flowstep parameters:
‘download | classify | classify_top | retrain | retrain_defaults | automatic’

for example:

python robots 200 robotart

classify_top hint:

python robots 200 robotart classify_top

if you want to automatically choose the classifier with the highest training_accuracy, use the parameter ‘classify_top’ as the optional flowstep. this will skip a step and make the whole flow more automated, if that is what you desire.

hint: if you have more than the minimum number of images required in labeled

sub-dirs at training_photos/BASETAG, and want to skip both downloading and classifying stages, enter ‘0’ for both the imagequantity and seachtag parameters.

python robots 0 0 retrain

double hint: if you want to JUST retrain and have it run unattended,

you can use with ‘0 0’ setup a flowstep parameter of ‘retrain_defaults’ to choose the retraining parameter values set in the config file. example:

python robots 0 0 retrain_defaults



if you want a clean slate, first make a back up first of what you currently have because that is always a good idea, then simply delete the directories under tf_files directory named testing_photos, training_photos, and training_sumamries.



There is an initial bootstrap stage in which you must manually sort a minimum number of images to allow the first retraining to create the first classifier. This tool will help you download 1000s of images pretty easily. It can take a while to manually sort the first 1000 images per label, but, seriously, dont skip it. it is not worth it. After that, subsequent cycles of downloading, classifying/auto-sorting, and harvesting sorted images into the training_photos/labeled_directories for another cycle of retraining is waaaaay more automated.

specifically, before the FIRST retraining you must MANUALLY SORT at least 750** images into labeled sub-dirs of training_photos/{BASETAG}. after that, the ‘retrain’ parameter will, at your option, harvest previously classified high-confidence** images into the training data sub-directories at training_photos/{BASETAG}/{labeled-subdirs}

** as setup in config file



you can create an many different classifier themes, which are called BASETAGs, from the guided or advanced usage. in guided use, you choose to use an existing or create a new basetag. in advanced use, whatever BASETAG name you enter will be created if it doesnt exist. NOTE: if you typo an existing BASETAG, you cannot classify or retrain because you wont have any images under this ‘new’ BASETAG.

also, in advanced use, a new BASETAG & SEARCHTAG will create new label dirs in training data directory, but in guided mode, it would not. this is because a new BASETAG from the command line needs at least one label dir, so it is created. if you dont want to sort training data into them, there is no danger in removing the unwanted trainingdata/labeled-dirs BEFORE the first retraining. after that, you will mess things up if you remove them.



IMPORTANT: when classifying, unsorted images are COPIED so they can be reused with different models to see how it classifies them differently. that is, when you run a classifier, it classifies EVERYTHING in that unsorted_{searchtag} folder, which also means if you download 250 images tagged ‘robotart’ and classify them, AND THEN download 250 more tagged ‘robotart’ and classify them, you ll actually classify the first 250 again as well, although into a different sorted_{timestamp} dir.

This can be not ideal for your training data, as it includes repeated images when harvesting. the easy answer is to toss the repeats from the more recent sorted_{timestamp} dir. simply look into the most recent ‘sorted_{timestamp}’ dirs, check the highest sequence number and delete the overlap.

note: per not-great coding convention, some MAGIC LETTERS are employed when choosing a classification model. that is, the first letter of ‘inceptionv3’ and ‘mobilenet’ are interlinked between classify_model, classify_model_dir, modeltype – so do not change without following thru code! i didnt totally allow for infinite model names in favor of speed of dev over future flexibility. but, this is on a list…



the likelihood of images from a SEARCHTAG matching a BASETAG varies wildly, and so sorting is adjusted with the ‘CONFIDENCEMIN’ variable. Tuning this variable is the seed of improving results, but periodic manual quality control is how you tend that garden. That is, YOU need to go into the ‘sorted_{timestamp}’ dirs and move images among the labeled dirs as you, a human, think they should be. This is how the classifiers created by retraining get better and better, until you arent really needed anymore! YAAY..?

when there are enough images in these directories, you can harvest them to ‘retrain’ the classifier, experimenting with many retraining permutations to increase the accuracy. In this cyclical loop, the classifier gets better and better at classifying and sorting – resulting, at some point, in its ability to be a semi-automated self-improving image classifier, depending of course on your ability to bootstrap the classifier with good images and to keep them high-quality with periodic quality control.

during retraining, images from the labeled dirs are moved to training_photos/BASETAG dir, while the newly created classification model is stored at training_summaries/BASETAG/{model_name}. the model_name includes useful parameter info so you can pick the right model when classifying/labeling. the model_name ends with the accuracy percentage of the model, such as ‘_acc91.72’ or the like, again to help you in choosing which model to use when classifying.



because a cycle might take a while, especially for a full retrain (or even a large download/classify/sort cycle) there are three(3) txt msg notification points built into this tool. specifically, you can be optionally notified at the end of download, classification, and retrain stages. i personally found it quite useful, and if you want txts, you will need to setup your own TWILIO account, which requires a credit card to charge up their txt msg service. txt msg notifications are by default turned off, via the ‘twilio_active’ variable in the config file.

super simple twilio/python sample at

thanks and happy robo-assisted tensorflow exploring!

boop boop